Thursday, April 9, 2009

Really? I said that?

Sebastian stayed for Sarah last night, so we closed together. There were two people in the pool. Sometimes our water is a little happy and it fizzes if the wake is sloshy enough.

Sebastian: The water's fizzing! Do you see that?!
Me: He has Coke on his toes.

Sometimes I amaze myself.


Juliet SN said...

LOL! And rest assured, you amaze others as well :-D

Katie Beth said...

I think SeaBass was pretty amazed, now that you mention it. :-P

Virginia said...

You are so weird.

Shannon said...

Wow, THAT logically followed.

Hana Jenkins said...

ROFL. I love it.

Joy said...

Yep, you're weird. :D

Fizziesaurus said...

I second Virginia's comment :)