Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hannah WOULD tag me for a photo thing

And my sixth photo in my sixth folder WOULD be a non-photo. Here's the "photo":

And here's where it came from (it's worth it, trust me): All About Cats, from my old blog. And I tag... ohhhh... Hana, Juliet, and Joy.

The deal: Find your sixth image folder and post the sixth image from that folder. Ta-da. All done. May your photos be better than mine. ;-)

Every time I'm on my old blog I find stuff that I just have to revive. I've got two for you tonight: The Many Faces of Katie Beth, and SNACK TIME. I just keep myself amazed all the time. Good grief.

I'm going heavy on the colons tonight: I'm sorry.

Heh heh. I know that was punctually incorrect. Punctuationally. Punct'lly. You know, that stuff you put next to words.

To redeem myself in the eyes of my poor readers for all this nonsense, I'll leave you with a quote from my current reading material, Have His Carcase, by Dorothy Sayers (another colon coming up!):

"The best remedy for a bruised heart is not, as so many people seem to think, repose upon a manly bosom. Much more efficacious are honest work, physical activity, and the sudden acquisition of wealth. After being acquitted of murdering her lover, and, indeed, in consequence of that acquittal, Harriet Vane found all three specifics abundantly at her disposal; and although Lord Peter Wimsey, with a touching faith in tradition, persisted day in and day out in presenting the bosom for her approval, she showed no inclination to recline upon it."
I'm going to bed now, because it's absurdly late and I'm working absurdly long hours tomorrow. And also because Lord Peter is calling my name. I love Dorothy Sayers.


Juliet SN said...

Love the quote. Isn't Sayers amazing? LOVE the picture...

"Dogs eat cats."


Juliet SN said...


Anonymous said...

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehehehehehehehehheheheheheheh, I'm so cool like that. :P Thanks for sharin' KB - the photo brought tears to my eyes. Most... inspiring, indeed. lol. DUDE, I can't wait for you to post amazing pics from your new cam!! eeeeeeeee! Shoot 'em up.